iLCP Conservation Photography Event
Washington DC
Présentation au court du symposium annuel WiLDSPEAK organisé par l'iLCP
Back to Mountains : Reintroducing the Ibex in the French Alps
"Reintroducing the Ibex in the French Alps” présentation et photographies -
Explorer le rôle des médias visuels dans l'amélioration des résultats de la communication scientifique et de la conservation
Explore the role of visual media in improving science communication & conservation outcomes
Carnegie institution for sciences - Washington USA

2017 Ambassadeur de la marque

Intégration du programme Ambassadeur de la marque de filtres photographique
Cokin filter - Paris
Ambassadeur français pour la Marque
2016 Award winning
Finalist Award-wining
in the Big Picture Natural World Photography Competition
Category : Human and Nature
Exhibition July 29 to October 30, 2016
BigPicture museum exhibition at the
California Academy of Sciences - USA

Exhibition May at July 2016
New exhibition
"As a strings attached" to the House of the General Council of Haut-Rhône Dauphinois, France.
Nouvelle exposition
" Comme un fil à la patte" à la Maison du Conseil Général du Haut-Rhône Dauphinois à Crémieu (38).
Exhibition 2016

Conference and Exhibition
2016 Febuary - Natural History Museum
of Grenoble - France
Where is the place of Nature in town
"Meet Your Neighbours" exhibition and conference

Exhibition 2015
Exhibition August 28 at september 7, 2015
Exhibition "Clichés de Bergers"
Châlons en Champagne - Champagne Ardenne, France

Recent work

2015 Mai - On assignment for Terre Sauvage Magazine
"La force du vivant, l'escargot la slow attitude"

Story to come

For more information and news, please see :
At the Earth of the Karoo Predator Project
(2014 - 2015) Karoo - South Africa
Dear followers of the Karoo Predator Project,
I am pleased to announce that Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace, has accepted the role of Patron of the Karoo Predator Project. It's just wonderful that such a key conservation hero would take the time to read about the work of the biologist Marine Drouilly in the Karoo and to encourage us!
We all have the same aim: conserving Nature and its biodiversity while allowing people to live decent lives.
Having a Patron such as Dr. Goodall is an immense honor for the Karoo Predator Project and will help us to communicate with international media about the conflict between farmers and predators in the Karoo.
Publication on the
National Geographic Blog

At the Earth of the Karoo Predator Project
(2014 - 2015) Karoo - South Africa
This article is brought to you by the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP). Photos by iLCP Fellow Denis Palanque, and Nathalie Houdin. Text by Marine Drouilly and Kai Fitchen. At the heart of the Karoo Predator Project: helping science through photography to mitigate human-wildlife conflict
For more information and news, please see :
Story to come

For more information and news, please see :
At the Earth of the Karoo Predator Project
(2014 - 2015) Karoo - South Africa
During the 2014-2015 period, we will follow and report the unprecedented work of a young French scientist Marine Drouilly who tries to better understand the extremely strained relations ship between sheep farmers and two common meso-predators that are the Black-backed Jackal and the Caracal.
With the confidence of local farmers, the scientist hope to bring a better understanding of the ecological and sociological mechanisms that underlies the conflict. Numbers of farmers see this as an opportunity to go further and to finally live on their farms while preserving the biodiversity that is dear to them despite the harshness of cohabitation.
This remarkable work performed on an unprecedented scale (whether in Africa or globally), could well be considered as a reference in this field and thus find wide coverage in Europe and the United States on the issue Human / predator.
2014 Award winning
Honorable mention award in the International Photography Contest
Big Picture.
Category : Conservation Imagery.
Exhibition August 1 to November 2, 2014
BigPicture museum exhibition at the
California Academy of Sciences - USA

Finalist, primed and exhibit at "Festival Nature et Forêt de Namur Libramont" Belgium - April 2014
Recent work
2013 Febuary - On assignment for National Geographic France
"d'Angoulême à la Guyane sur les traces des venins."
"As regards invention, nature has quite a clear lead over man. For the first time, a international project in this way tries to list all venoms existing on earth, so as, perhaps, to imagine new medicines !
From European laboratories to French Guyana forests, the quest of venoms can start.
This project named Venomics is leaded by Venometech in France and involves many partners across Europe."

Recent work
On assignment for the National Museum of Natural History of Paris - France
Campaign for illustrate the book “Arachna, Les voyages de la femme araignée” Belin Editions. Illustration work on the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI), European studies programs of the araneologist Christine Rollard (Scientist of the NMNH Paris - France).

2012 Award winning
Highly commented Vegetal Word Image award in the International Photography Contest to Mountain and Nature "Memorial Maria Luisa"
Category "Plant World". Another picture came finalist in the category "Natural Landscape" - Spain